Death of a Party Girl
"Being young is itself temporary, fragile and ephemeral. You have to get through it- it has no other meaning." A painting by Carrie Bencardino takes up almost an entire wall in my bedroom in Austin. I bought the painting at Art Basel Miami. It was the only painting that spoke to me. I snapped a photo of it and sent it to my friend, who said it looked like us at the afters with the bloodshot eyes and messy makeup and wonky facial expressions. I’m looking at it now while I contemplate the last time I was in a liquor store. It was the morning of January 2nd and my friend and I were high on cocaine. The guy ringing us up looked us up and down and asked what our resolution for the new year was. Party more? He chuckled. We looked at eachother, saying at the same time that we were actually trying to party less. I couldn’t believe it. I’m about to be 30 and it was just last night that I thought I was never going to get old, that I could keep living the fast life for as long as the ...